Friday, June 25, 2010

Sekitar majlis perkahwinan adindaku, Shahida

I'm gonna write some review on my sister's wedding.

What we had on da's wedding was a very not so perfect wedding (like people say nobody's perfect) due to some unfortunate cases but i rather save it as my last thing to say. Let's focus on the positive side first. What I love about this wedding? of course everything.. but the thing that I remember mostly are Da smiles, your sweet 'baju' during her akad nikah. With her make up. she looks so sweet. you look so lovely, da. thanks kak yan (yan sri andam) for make it for my sister's day. Even though, there are several things that we were not satisfy about, but I think da would easily left it behind. like the veil... which actually we did mentioned that we want it.. but she said it was not what we agree before and no keris for the groom?. Poor them. but I know that small thing doesnt spoil your day, right? coz it was perfect, the way that you always want it. Alhamdulilah, harus terus bersyukur da.

and another thing that i love about her wedding is the flower girls. Hey, you cannot not agree with me!;-). They are so sweet. I think i need to congratulate kak long for able to convince them to throw the rose petals. Its so lovely, kak. nanti bleh buat untuk mun plak.. kire assign siap2 la kat akak lah yee.. he he.

The bad side?

At 2pm, lauk kenduri dah nak abes, yang tinggal just apa yang ada je... what to do? at first, the caterer told us that they will cook extra lauk but after several minutes, when my along asked them again, they told him that it wasn't prepared. kat situ je dah terbuang masa beberapa minit.. cait betul. Everybody got into this panic attacked. me and along decided to go to tesco to buy chicken and fried them at home. but alhamdulillah, thank you to tesco - selling rosted chicken which had save us. we bhought 15 bird of chickens and some cabbages,chilies which immediately cooked by all my makciks. alhamdullillah, at 3pm, we managed to serve them. that time, lauk yang tinggal just saki baki je.. sungguh tragiss.. induk miah ckp, mak dah nak nangis dah.. he he.. malu kan? tu la tapi nak buat macam mana.. kita hanya merancang.
tapi dengan izin Allah, semuanya ok. again, alhamdulillah. lalu, nikmat Allah yang manakah hendak kamu dustakan?

Opss that's not all. There is another thing. which is very very sad. It;s about my makcik- induk atun n induk miah, which things inside their handbags has been stolen by pencurik who able to sneak into my parent's room during that peak hours. we believe it happened during 'pengantin makan beradab'. pencurik has managed to use my makcik's credit card to buy fuel n new handphone at price of RM 1.5k.kesian... mak feels guilty because mak is the one who responsible, as they asked mak to put it in somewhere save. yela kan, mestila mintak tolong tuan rumah simpankan. kesian sangat... huhu..mak ganti kot nanti.. tapi, memang wajah mak tampak muram malam itu.

Begitulah cerita suka dan duka tentang majlis perkahwinan da yang angah ingat. Mudah-mudahan coretan ini membantu kita mengingati dan mengambil pengajaran. Walaubagaimanapun, yang paling penting pengantin gembira dan bahagia. Itupun sudah cukup untuk menghilangkan segala pahit yang dilalui sepanjang dan selepas majlis berlangsung. Buat da dan wan, hiduplah dengan rukun. Jadi lah teman yang terbaik. Semoga perkahwinan da n wan berkekalan dan diberkati dunia dan di akhirat. Amin.

Antara gambar-gambar sekitar majlis. Mahu lebih lagi?

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