It starts when a friend of mine suddenly stresses at the office today. Out of nowhere , she informed me that she wants to change unit. I wonder why but after a few ‘ korek session’, I finally know that It was because she was stressed with her bos.
Sound familiar?. Actually, It happens everywhere in any organization. Sometimes, we get a good one and sometimes we get a bad one. There is a cases where the bos doesn’t know how to the work but keep on giving order without any guide and expect the job to be tip top. And funny part, even they don’t know what kind the standard they want until they get the feedback from the higher bosses saying that the job was not up to their expectation. At the end of the day, they will finger point it back to their staff who do their dirty job and put all the blame on her/him. When that job get a good remarks, they are the one who get all the recognition and none of it being passes to the staff. Kesian .. he he
I know not all bosses like that because I meet some bosses who do have certain criteria that make them a good bos. I hope I can be like them one day. InsyaAllah. (^_^). We cant get lucky everytime right? and I believe what we can do now is we need to do the task given at our very best level and do it Lillahi Taala so that it can be ibadah for us. The rest, left it to Allah to decide. and heyyy.. do learn along your way to the top :)p/s: In my office, ada bos yang tak pernah tahu pun apa kerja dia. tapi dia dapat naik sebab die good in PR. yang teruk staff lah. tapi yang rugi organisasi tu sendiri. but, when it comes to 'moderation/performance evaluation' siapa-siapa yang pernah menunjukkan rasa tak puas hati memang confirm dapat performance teruk (dah masuk dalam blacklist die). Imagine, customer hantar email pada die , suruh staff yang jawab .. dan main forward je pada customer without baca. hish senang betul kerja die. lagi best, boleh tidur masa meeting dengan customer.. waa. malunya..
[ hehe. tapi bukan bos saya.. bos kawan saya.. :) ]